Monday, December 26, 2011

{Virtual Coffee}

Good morning.
Can you believe this is our last coffee of 2011?
Wow, kinda crazy.
Thank you for joining me here this morning.
But if we were really meeting for coffee this morning....

I would have to meet you somewhere else.
This house is trashed.
Toys and boxes and little things all over the floor.
All over the floor.
After the holidays I feel a bit like my house/mind/life are one big MESS.
Do you?
There are Calico Critters and Lego's everywhere, and I mean everywhere.
I'm not quite ready for the big take-down yet...the lugging of all the boxes back up to the attic, 
packing it all away...nope, not quite yet but before the end of the week I know I will be.

tell me about your Christmas.
Have you recovered?
I think I have, pretty much.
Man, the holidays are rough on the mamas, huh?
A little rough on everyone I guess.
Fun and exciting and stressful and long and crazy...and worth all of it.
We did not have a white Christmas this year and it still kinda seems weird to me.
The kids were a little concerned about the whole no snow thing at Christmas but I have
a feeling it won't be much longer before we are covered in white.

I got a donut maker for Christmas and I couldn't wait to use it.
Charlotte got a new tea set from one of her cousins and she couldn't wait to use it.
So naturally we had to have a tea party with donuts and chocolate milk.
We practiced sticking our pinkies out while holding our fancy cups and used our Estate Sale
spoons for lumps of sugar and sprinkles.
The kids stayed in their (new) pajamas and slippers all day long.
And so did I.
This is what Christmas break is all about.

I am hoping for more sunshine this week and lots of time with my little family.
Do you have plans for New Year's Eve? Anything exciting...any yearly traditions?
We never do much for New Year's but I love to hear how others celebrate.
Hope you all have a great day, thanks for stopping by for coffee.


  1. Calico Critters are so cute!! They remind me of Sylvania families that were popular when I was little. All these cute girl things aren't bought around here these days. One girl is too big and the other too little.

  2. Thank you for coffee this morning. It looks like you had a lovely Christmas (mess and all)-- I love your photo collage. My kids received gifts that have lots of little pieces as well, so I know the feeling. Love that you got to use your donut maker and your daughter got to use her tea set and stayed in your pajamas all day, too! Happy holidays and wishing you all the best for the New Year :0)

  3. good morning, miss amy. glad you survived christmas. your house sounds like ours right now. chaotic and messy!! i'm thinking all the new stuff must find places in the closet today before i lose my ever livin' mind! :) thanks for the coffee and i'll take a donut for the road :)

  4. I just cannot pack it all up/clean yet either. Its too overwhelming at the moment. In fact, today is the first day Ive had to really stay in my jammies and just do nothing in particular.
    The girls are sitting next to me on the couch, still in their jammies, watching new movies and playing with toys. And Calico Critters? The girls each got one set from family members and Im addicted(as the mama). LOVE them! We went to Toys R US yesterday to look for the car and camper but they were so picked over it was ridiculous.
    Have a great day!

  5. Ooo a donut maker sounds awesome!! I had a great Christmas celebrating my sister's new baby :) But no white Christmas here for us either...very odd.

  6. You sound like me. I have junk everywhere!! Maybe not as extreme. We live in a 1300 square foot{maybe, give or take} house and I'm always tripping over something or someone. This year is the year I hope to throw junk out. Its hard for me as I have vintage junkitis...
    Love your pictures of breakfast!!

  7. We don't really do anything for New Year's either, just rent movies maybe and TRY to stay up late! It usually doesn't work though, we end up in bed reading!
    Love all of the photos!
    My house is messy, but just because it's loaded with American Girl stuff (we didn't do Christmas here except for Christmas morning with my girls, we go to our sister in law's house) so my home isn't too bad, but it could use a good thorough cleaning!
    I am trying to get some homeschool stuff graded today and do some Lesson Planning for 2012 with Ava....
    have a GREAT tuesday!
    Savannah doesn't go back until the 9th, so we are OFF until then!

  8. Oh dear....I am not organized enough to join the linky, but I sure enjoyed this sweet post.

  9. Amy, I want to leave a comment about your lovely polish pottery mug! I am sure coffee tasted wonderful this morning!I know I am in love with mine as well. The Christmas aftermath/mess is everywhere plus I have my parents from overseas at my house!Yes I am ready for somewhat of a routine again.Due to my German roots, we will leave our tree up til the 6th but I am kind of ready for it to go as well.
    I really enjoy reading your blog and virtual coffee is a great idea

  10. I'm linking up today (late) even though it's not actually a coffee post (forgive me) but it's the last coffee of 2011 and I get sentimental about this kind of stuff. Hope you get the mess under control and enjoy the rest of the holidays. I don't know about you, but once Christmas has passed snowless I would really rather it didn't snow all winter, so I don't have to shovel!

  11. a. i want a donut maker.
    b. i heard about the ninja calicos and cracked up over that.
    c. zillions of legos are making me crazy. if i had one week alone, i might spend the whole time organizing and sorting them just to lower the chaos meter in me.


leave me a know you wanna.