Hello, October

Sunday, September 30, 2012

October is here, which might just be my very favorite month of the year.
Now it really feels like Fall, like officially, although we have been having Fall-like weather for
a couple of weeks now.
Yesterday we took advantage of the weather and the fact that we had nothing going on and went
for a little hike.
It was so pretty.

Now I feel like I can bust out the Fall decorations this week, I am excited.
Time for pumpkins and orange and acorns....I love all things Fall.

Some of my most favorite things about Fall...

white + orange pumpkins
falling leaves
new boots
pumpkin spice lattes
fall-colored nail polish
a trip to the pumpkin patch
caramel apples
pumpkin bars
fires in the fire pit
Halloween candy


What are your most favorite things about Fall?
Tell me.
Your favorite Halloween candy?
Mine are those god-forsaken Reesee's pumpkins. Yum.
Happy October 1...and have a great Monday.


  1. beautiful! we are headed up to the mountains next week for a little getaway. it's not fall here in phx but in flagstaff it's a world of a difference!

  2. whhhyyyy did you remind me of the resee's pumpkins!?! i am seriously pregnant and i can't be growing any faster than i already am ;)

    other than that...i love LOVE hikes and i love fall. happy october to YOU!

  3. Ahhhh...I'll live vicariously through your pictures because it's supposed to be 100 today.

  4. these are awesome amy. is that rock springs? i remember that pine forest well. i had a make out date once on those pine needles...geesh the teenage years!


leave me a comment...you know you wanna.