{Virtual Coffee}

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Good morning out there.
It's Tuesday morning and I am up early, and without the usual struggle, because it is not freezing and
believe it or not,  it is supposed to be in the 60's today.
Sixties... In January.
It's also supposed to rain all day, but still.
Sixty degrees is kinda crazy.

So, grab a seat and join me for a kinda-quick cup of coffee.
I am going on a field trip with the kid's classes this morning and they are super excited-- they get to ride the bus
(3 whole blocks!) and see a play.

There are about six posts on my mind this morning, maybe I will get to one of my Soap Box topics tomorrow...
and I am having a hard time deciding what I even want to talk about.
Writer's block?
Bloggers block?
Do you ever get that?
I guess it will pass soon enough, I hope.

So.... how was your weekend?
Tell me what you did... anything fun? Exciting? Date night? Away for the weekend?
Well, we had a pretty relaxing weekend but Friday Eric + I had a day-date.
He had the day off so we took off and headed out of town after we got the kids off to school.
Day-dates, or even lunch dates together, are rare for us because Eric works out of town.
Anyway-- we did a little clothes shopping, ate lunch and went to the cutest vintage shop ever.
I was dying over this blue Coleman cooler(below) but restrained myself and left without it.
I love it, those are my kitchen colors and how cute would that be to actually use in the summer?

My most  favorite thing about day-dates, night-dates, or nay kind of dates for that matter, are the uninterrupted conversations.
It's complete bliss.
No questions, interruptions, no filtering what you say in front of the kids .... they are just so necessary
and they don't happen often enough-- said every mother, ever.

Sunday I spent a lot of the day purging and organizing Charlotte's bedroom.
We moved  in a new bookcase that she desperately needed, moved some things out and while Eric + the kids were gone I was
able to get rid of a whole bag of junk.  It felt so good.
Wyatt's room is next, he really needs it-- along with a bit of an update, more of a bigger kid look/feel but I'm not quite sure
what to do in there yet.

Well, I really should be getting ready to head to school but You've Got Mail just started... do you
think I could just crawl back in bed, listen to the rain and watch it instead? ;)
I could watch that movie over + over.
What about you, do you LOVE it, too?
Do you wish you were Kathleen Kelly, too, and owned a little book shop in NYC just like hers?
Ahhh... that's one of my fantasies. 

Check out my adorable Spring table cloth(above). I got a whole bag of linens from Eric's grandparent's house last week,
I really need to share all of the awesome stuff we have gotten from
their house-- I will do that later on this week.
You know I cannot pass up vintage linens, one of my many weaknesses.

Well, I really need to get moving... I can't show up at school looking like this...
Have a great day everyone!


  1. I watch, "You've Got Mail" all the time, too. I so love the scene when Joe Fox is to meet "shopgirl" at the restaurant, and it turns out to be Kathleen Kelly!

    Love all the Nora Ephron movies.

    Have a good week and I enjoyed your post today.


  2. I watch, "You've Got Mail" all the time, too. I so love the scene when Joe Fox is to meet "shopgirl" at the restaurant, and it turns out to be Kathleen Kelly!

    Love all the Nora Ephron movies.

    Have a good week and I enjoyed your post today.


  3. KK is my most favorite character. Her apartment is divine.

    I can't wait to read your soapbox post. Those are the best!

  4. I get writers block all the time and I hate it! I love all your pictures, thanks for hosting!

  5. I used to thoroughly enjoy field trips with my sons. Reading your post made me want to call them and spend more time with them, they are all grown now. Charlotte and Wyatt both look like happy kids. Good luck with the writers block, sometimes words are hard to come by.. then other times they flood the mind and it takes time to sort through them.

  6. Oh blimey - I could of come home with the lot. You were very good.

    Nina x


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