Ten On Ten :: February

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Getting these pictures today was a bit of a struggle, if ya wanna know the truth.
We were gone for a good part of the day, it was rainy + dreary and the lighting was not good.
But,  here is the 10th of February through my lens;  part iphone,  part Nikon... all shapes and sizes.

Hope you all had a happy, happy Sunday and a great weekend.
Check out more of the fun here.

ten on ten button


  1. I think that your day looks marvelous (not dreary) and the iphone pics are just as spot on as your nikon shots. My fave pic is of the kidlets. So sweet! So innocent. And Amy- You are gorgeous. Your smile lights up your eyes. :)

  2. These are great! And that cake looks delicious.

  3. These are great! And that cake looks delicious.

  4. Rainin winter is very dreary....not my fav either!

    Love your day!

  5. Love your day and your style! Gorgeous photos and kiddos! I'm dying over that tablecloth!

  6. i feel that same way about my 10 on 10. part iphone, part nikon. makes me all twitchy.

    but that cake and all of its glorious frosting would probably help cure the twitch.

  7. good job!
    you did it and that is more than i can say, little lady.
    that tablecloth is dreamy :)

  8. Well it looks like you did it - great pics!

  9. well, you are adorable.
    and love the cake and candles, wow!


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