{The End Of Summer...}

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

It feels like it's almost here, the end of Summer. Sigh.

Around here school is in full swing, we have started our third week and just as we would expect, this week is some of the hottest weather we have had in a while- Which is not great when you are on the third floor of an old school that is only partly air-conditioned! Luckily both of my kids' classrooms have air though...It's miserable to sit in class sweating with no air moving, I remember those days well and I went to an elementary school that was only one floor.

We know this hotter weather won't last long though because we are already seeing a few leaves fall from one of the trees in our backyard. How can it be this time already? It seems like we just got in to a good Summer vacation groove...and now it's over and we are back for another year of school.
We are swimming as much as we can and trying to enjoy the time before all of the evening and after- school activities really get going. I love this time and dread it at the same time. I love watching Wyatt play soccer and I am glad he enjoys it-yet I miss the days of coming home from work and having absolutely nothing to do all evening.
As soon as school starts again, I am forced, FORCED, to become more organized which is a good thing- it doesn't come super naturally to me. We are packing lunches the night before and laying clothes out, the alarm is set much earlier. I crave the routine, I like it and think it is good for all of us(at times) and especially good for me, but I miss the lazy Summer days already and am thinking(dreading) of the weather to come in the next few months.
Earlier nights and busier days, that's what the end of Summer and the almost-beginning of Fall feels like to me. I am almost ready for Fall, just about there... it is definitely one of my favorite times of the year. But I am going to enjoy these last few days of Summer the best I can and not rush or wish this time away, looking ahead to the next thing. That's not always so easy, but I am working on it.

Hope you all have a great week!

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