{Virtual Coffee}

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Hi there.
Good morning and happy Tuesday to you.
Look at me!
This is my second week in a row having coffee here,  like I used to back in the good old days, and although
no one may be reading this sporadic little blog of mine, or joining me for coffee because I'm here so infrequently, it's totally okay,
I'm just    h  a  p  p  y   to be here ... and you are always welcome to join in and tell me what's going on in your life, too.
I'd love to listen.

I am a pretty firm believer, as life gets busier and busier for everyone, that meeting for a morning cup of coffee with friends in real life
would do us all so much good.
Like every morning.
Or evening.
Just think what us moms/friends/women could do for each other if we could get together and talk and listen and share with each other every day.
I truly believe it would make a world of difference in everyone's lives.
I know it would in mine and my family's since how I am doing/feeling clearly affects all of them.

So grab a cup of coffee and get comfy right here on the porch with me... let's talk about Summer vacation and school being out and
Summer plans....
This week started our first full week of Summer Vacation and it;s funny that even though I am working what a difference it makes in our whole
 attitude .... especially mine.
Last night we jumped in the car at 7:45 to head to the park so the kids could run around on the playground for a while, the kids absolutely
LOVE spur of the moment things like that and were like;
"Really? Really mommy?" when I told them to go get their shoes on.

That's why I love Summer Vacation.
The ease.
The freedom.
The lack of a schedule.


So, this is the first Summer I have worked in years and years you guys and I am still just trying to figure out how I feel about it all and how to
kind of "do it" if that makes any sense.
Before I quit working(five years ago?) to stay home full time with the kids, I worked for our school district in the Birth-3 At Risk Program.
So obviously working for the school district meant I had teacher hours, all the school holidays and the whole summer off.
This is different, very different for all of us this Summer.
But I think it is going to be good.... just in a completely different way.
I feel like this schedule is kind of going to give us all the best of both worlds in a way.

This was last night at the park in the Rock Garden, the kids kept seeing bunnies everywhere they turned.
They played on the playground and we walked through the garden and the light was just perfect.
That is my most favorite time of day... ever.

So tell me what is going on with you... any big Summer plans?
Day trips?
Anything fun planned?

Hope you have a great Tuesday and thanks for stopping by my little place here today!


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