Bench Monday #4

Monday, September 28, 2009

Bench Monday Week #4: My Two Little Chefs. This is our fourth week participating in the Bench Monday group on Flickr. Wyatt re-named it "Mustache Monday" and insisted on wearing this fake mustache until his dad got home from work, he said he "just knew daddy was gonna crack up when he saw it." Charlotte said Wyatt looked like a gentleman with it on but that was right before she popped him on the head with the wooden spoon for calling  her "his assistant".  Happy Bench Monday and Happy regular ol' Monday everyone! We have a busy week ahead of us being that we have a BIG Birthday for a special little boy this weekend. Lots and lots to do....but the first day of the week? Monday? A great day and starting the week off on the right foot is a good sign!

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