The Highlights:
Started off the weekend a little early with dinner Thursday night at the Beach House with my mom, sister, cousins and aunts. Great dinner, lots of fun and my brother sent out a few of these special blueberry tarts for us to share, these alone were worth the trip!
Hit one good rummage sale Friday morning, scored some serious Spiderman gear and a few good books.
Got to visit with two of my best girlfriends home this weekend-one from Chicago, the other from Tennessee. Dinner and drinks with Miss Chicago Friday night...much needed time away for both of us, margaritas and Mexican food. What else could a girl want?
Saturday morning headed to the cabin with my family, kids got to hang out with their cousins all weekend.
Sunday morning it was not raining, got to take a nice walk with the girls, picked flowers and Charlotte got to splash in all the puddles she wanted.
Boys got to carry the umbrella to the outhouse many times, they were the only ones that enjoyed those trips.
Sunday got to hang out with Miss Tennessee...Blue Moons, cheese popcorn and Friday Night Lights!
And the Lowlights:
Rained all day Saturday(yuck)at the cabin, didn't stop until bedtime.
No tent sleeping, everyone in the cabin this time, including the dogs.
My little bunk-mate tossed and turned all night long, not much sleeping going on.
That's about it, over all a great weekend!
* I might add that a nearly 20-year mystery involving a stolen purse in high school was solved Friday night. Gotta love that Facebook!
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