
Sunday, January 2, 2011

Hello,  2011.
A new day, a new year, a clean slate.
I do love reading about everyone's hopes and plans and dreams for the new year.
The beginning of a new year is so full of hope. You feel like anything is possible. 
I love that feeling. I just wish I could carry it with me throughout the year.

We spent a very low-key night at home. We had a few places we could have gone 
but chose just to stay home this year and celebrate together, just the four of us.
There was yummy cheese fondue and poppers and those obnoxious horns and staying up until 
10:00 for the kids, strawberry "kid's champagne" and party hats.
 The weather was in the upper 40's on New Year's Eve (and barely 20* the next day, go figure) so we stepped outside and threw some of our little fire crackers off the front porch. 
At that point Charlotte proclaimed that New Tear's Eve might be better than Christmas.
It was a great night to be at home with my little family.
{*Check out the fondue pot that we inherited from Eric's 95-year old grandparents this summer. 
LOVE that thing, so 1960's. love, love, love it}

I have been thinking a lot about the year ahead. 
I think the older I get the more and more I think about it all. About possibilities, changes and intentions.
I haven't got my thoughts together on it all completely but when I do I will be sure to share more.
I love this idea about finding a "word" to focus on for the year. I remember reading about it last year and then kind of forgetting about it and not following through with it but this year it is something I am still thinking about...and I hope to find a word I feel is fitting for me. I'm not big on resolutions but I am on intentions or goals...things I hope to work towards, changes I hope to make, places I'd like to go...
 I hope to have more of a list of those later in the week as well after I give it all a little more thought.

Wishing all of you a happy, healthy new year filled with peace and love.
I hope the year ahead is a great one for you. I hope you make it great.
I'm anxious to hear about your you hopes and dreams and plans and all that jazz.
Resolutions? Drastic changes? Baby steps? Lofty aspirations?
Share them here if you 'd like by linking up.
And thank you, thank you from the bottom of my heart for visiting this little space of mine here
 over the past year. I truly appreciate your comments, wisdom and support. For real.


  1. Looks like you had a great time with the family! I love the fondue pot!! Super neat and what a fun night had by all. Happy New Year!

  2. What a nice word to focus on light. Wishing you a happy, healthy and prosperous 2001

  3. Not sure if you ever go read the "Trendy Treehouse" blog but they are passing out Trendy Blog Awards. I was awarded one and part of my duty is to pass that award on to blogs that I love. I come read yours every day I get a chance. If you'd like come to my page and snag your award. It was much deserved. :)

  4. Happy New Year Amy :)
    Your celebration sounds beautiful and so very full of light ;)

  5. I am always surprised at this time of year that I don't feel the need to make resolutions. I am a huge list maker so you would think it's right up my alley....but I don't usually. I like Ali's word idea - it's always good to have something to reign my crazy in. I agree - the coming of the new year brings the thought of so many possibilities. Hoping all yours come true!

  6. Sounds like the perfect night Amy!
    We were all in bed WAY before midnight here!
    Glad the weather was cooperating for us all though!
    I love the idea of a word for the year...I'm still thinking though.:)
    Enjoy the day

  7. Your night sounds a lot like mine, except my kids made it past midnight (lucky us). 2011, I'm not sure what my goals are exactly, but I plan to make it a good one!!

  8. happy new year sweet friend!
    i'm excited to see all that this new year has in store for you and your family. :)
    i feel the same about intentions and hopes vs. resolutions. i chose the word listen last year, well actually- i think it chose me, and it ended up having a a really big impact on my life. i think i've found my word for the year, but want to sit on it a bit more to make sure it's the real deal.

  9. Lovely post, and holy CRAP I can't believe it's the 3rd already!!
    I've got so many blogs to catch up on.........
    Happy new year, Amy! <3

  10. Happy New Year!

    I'm going with the one word resolution this year - I'm actually excited about it rather than dreading my annual list of things I won't do.

  11. happy new year, friend! i love your blog and am thankful for you for sharing your heart!

  12. Happy New Year, Amy! Sounds like you made a great memory.

  13. Sounds like the perfect kind of celebrating.

    I love reading about your days and feelings and issues and such. Really, I love being allowed to be part of your life.

    Happy 2011!

  14. Kiddie Champagne. That is what we forgot! I have got to remember that for next year. I love all the cool collages :D Happy HAPPY New to you:D

  15. Happy New Year Amy! Nothing wrong with staying in, I did too.

  16. Amy, I swear we're living parallel lives. Our New Year's Eve was so similar to yours. Even down to our DH's both holding their horns like cigars!

    I am in the same place. Not quite ready with my thoughts on the new year. And I, too, loved the idea last year of choosing a word. I can't seem to narrow it down to just one so I think my word is going to be a phrase instead.

    I wish you a very, happy and healthy New Year!

  17. Happy New Year!
    We stayed in and it was the best just watching Black Swan.
    We are still doing a new year's eve party for kiddos ;)
    I need some kid's champagne ;)
    All the best!


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