{Virtual Coffee}

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Good Morning.
First of all, our internet service has been out all morning so I am just now getting on here.
 I think it's pretty safe to say that after spending 30 minutes on the phone with the cable lady,
she hates me and is basically disgusted by my lack of technological knowledge.
Umm...wait, which cord?  Yellow? Wait-what's the router? The white thing with the apple on it?
I never claimed to know or care about that stuff.
Anyway, I'm here now.

Thanks so much for joining me for Virtual Coffee today.
I so appreciate everyone joining in, whether you are leaving a comment, linking up or visiting other blogs for coffee. It seems like for the last several weeks I just have not been able to get around to visiting everyone that links up. I hate that...and I'm trying, I'm trying... and I hope to get there this week.

So if we were really meeting for coffee this morning ...
 I would tell you that it is now Mid-March. 
Mid-March! Wahoooo!
Spring is getting closer and closer and I just realized that we only have three more months
 left of this school year.
My boy's first year of school has gone so fast, it really has.
 He has learned so much this year, such a big year, and he is now reading.
 I am so proud of him.
BUT, the other day I spelled something out to Eric and Wyatt quickly told me he knew what I spelled. 
I had a hotflash, I couldn't believe it. Yeah well, luckily he was wrong, he actually didn't know what
 I had spelled but he definitely scared me. These days are numbered.

If we were really meeting for coffee this morning I would tell you that we are off all next week for Spring Break. All week.  No school. No lunches to pack or realizing at the last minute that we ran out of bread, no driving to and from school, no papers to be signed or remembered, no library books to return, no volunteering in the classroom. Yipppeee!
We don't really have anything planned for next week and that is precisely why
 I am looking so forward to Spring Break.

Since it was in our local newspaper today I guess now I can share that I have a new niece!
My brother and his wife had their third baby girl on Sunday.
Everyone is doing well and we are all so excited and thankful for a healthy baby.
And Little Miss Veda Katherine is a dollface. Naturally.

Well, I'm going to cut coffee short this morning because I imagine some of you are
 wondering what is taking me so long. I hate not being able to get online, it drives me crazy
but it also kinda drives me crazy that I am so dependent on it, too. Oh well.
Thanks for stopping by and Happy Tuesday y'all!


  1. Mmmmm, all of that looks so yummy! Happy Virtual Coffee! I am JUST about to pour my first cup =)

    melissa @champagne wishes.

  2. We homeschool so we don't tequnically do Spring Break, but we do take it as an opurtunity to loosen our rules a bit and sleep in!
    Congrats on the birth of your neice! How exciting!

  3. morning sweet friend....not linking up today due to a giveaway at mine....having a day off as feeling rubbish with this headcold- will do a late one tomor!
    congrats aunty amy...cool name...
    yeah the spelling thing- one more thing wyatt has on you now!
    wait till you have all the short people spelling- it helps my hubby though when he doesn't know what i'm *secretly spelling* to him- one of the kids whisper it to him! classic!

    have a great half term...remember -you are doing NOTHING!!

    melissa xx

  4. oh i hate internet problems. glad you got it sorted! have a wonderful spring break!

  5. Hi, I've been reading you awhile and decided to link up today. A day of firsts! Also, been having internet problems all day too, though it's the husband's fault for changing our provider. Our wonderful, old, reliable, slightly more expensive but at least it always worked, internet provider whom I miss very much today.

  6. Boo - I hate when the internet goes wonky. I know nothing about the computer and all the other compentents. You would think with all the time I spend I here, I would know a little more about it - hee! YAY for spring and spring break and new babies :D

  7. sounds like a crazy busy day. I hate computer issues too. hope your spring break is wonderful and relaxing. have a great rest of your week Amy. xo

  8. Hooray for babies! I swear that there has been a baby this month being born. I've been crocheting baby blankets like it's my job since December!

    We have two weeks off of spring break and I am most excited. And the best part is that my in-laws are coming for the second half of the break for a full week so I'll have reinforcements!!!

    As always, thanks so much for coffee!

  9. Grrr...I hate that when the internet is down! That's the worst. Glad you got it up and running, so we could enjoy coffee with you.

    Congrats on your new niece ... love the name!

    Have a Fabulous week. And thanks for coffee. :-)

  10. Congratulations Auntie :)
    And can I just tell you? I love that you're excited for school vacation. Honestly. Because I hear so many people complain when their kids have off, like it's a chore and awful to have them at home... and while I understand that to an extent, I keep hoping that I'll always look forward to the kids vacations, you know?

  11. We have a lack of techy-ness in common!

  12. what are you eating in that toast photo? it look delicious!

  13. I had the same problem with my internet yesterday...the automated machine was driving me batty!!!


  14. The light in the last photo, of the coffee cup, is so amazing. I love light like that...light and shadows.
    I read your post while drinking coffee at Starbucks. :-)

  15. yummy breakfast,thanks for the coffee!
    congrats on being an auntie again, and enjoy your Spring break :)

  16. You're coffee and breakfast always looks so good! Too bad we can't actually meet. Thanks for the coffee :)

  17. Congratulations on the new family addition. Spring break! A real Spring Break! We had ours TWO weeks ago and I thought it was waaaaaay too soon. I want another one! Um, but this year. Thanks for coffee.

  18. Congratulations on being an aunt again! A baby girl. Yay! :)
    Have a wonderful spring break with the kiddos. Seems as thought it might actually {gasp} feel like spring!!

  19. Enjoy your Spring Break peace. We don't have ours until late April. I hate having it tied to Easter. I much prefer a week off in March when the month just draaaaggggsss on with the winter doldrums.

  20. about to have my coffee in real life!
    I just had to tell you that I had that same name chosen for my daughter, but it was Vada Katherine. I went with Ava Katherine though. is that one pro-nounced Veeda or Vada??? anyway, love it!
    congrats on the new niece!!! I have 17 nieces and love each one dearly!!!!!
    I want to go visit all the coffee blogs, but we have to start homeschooling at our house!
    have a wonderful beautiful day!

  21. I cannot live without the internet, I go through withdrawals..honest! Love this virtual coffee, will link up next week.

    Enjoy Spring break...we have it in April and I can't wait! Love time with my kiddos.

    Here is a hint...when you run out of bread for lunches, try pbj or ham and cheese between toasted waffles, just wrap in foil. My kiddos prefer it over bread.


leave me a comment...you know you wanna.