Friday, May 27, 2011

{Last Day}

Just a few quick pictures this morning.
It's really here, the last day of school.
My boy is done with kindergarten.
Where did the time go? The year go? The last six years go, for that matter?

And yes, he was taking this apple to his teacher-along with the little book he made her.
Can you say brown-noser?
He made the book after he went to bed last night and then came down and showed us.
My favorite part is where he wrote; "it is a pleshur to be in your class".
hahaha...I love that boy.

If you were reading this little blog of mine last summer, or when we were about to start school in the Fall  you will remember that I was very, very apprehensive about Wyatt starting school.
Ummm...very. Like bordering on basket case.
I don't consider myself that much of a "hovering parent" but this whole school thing I was
 just not ready for.  I wondered if it was the right school and was generally just not ready for the big step of all day kindergarten. Anyway, he had a great first year, truly a wonderful experience mostly thanks to his awesome teacher. Oh, how I love you,  Mrs. Allen.

We go back on Tuesday for report cards and that is it for this year.
We are officially on Summer vacation as of 3:40 today.
It is bittersweet, the ending of the first year of school for my first child in school.
 But at  the same time, I am so ready for vacation!
The whole summer ahead of us with nothing much planned at all, I love it.

 So this morning Wyatt picked cinnamon rolls, bacon and orange juice for his special breakfast and 
after school we are meeting my sister-in-law and her girls at the little bakery by us to celebrate. 
We are always looking for a reason to celebrate and today is the perfect excuse, if you ask me.

Hope everyone has a great day today.
Any big plans for the holiday weekend? Is school out for you yet?
Happy Friday!


  1. love your clock collection. i have one too:) i think it's sweet you made a special breakfast. i need to remember to do that. having a blogger friend over for dinner and her family, so that will be fun. i love a long weekend;)

  2. Yeah for the end of K!! Big big milestone for Wyatt and you!:) We still have a few more left but we are counting the days believe me!
    A few friends over for dinner...a lot of relaxing. Those are my big plans.
    Have a happy day

  3. June 10. I can. not. wait.

  4. so sweet amy :) you're such a sweet mama. and a pleshur to be in your class? priceless. phrases like that make it worth all the hard work of being a mama. oh! got my earrings today!! love LOVE!and wrapped so cute. thanks so much. this weekend....going to a blogger friend's for a cookout ;) have a good one, my friend!

  5. I hear you!!! Calvin's last day was Thurs. and we did a special breakfast and little celebrations, too. I can't believe it's over! And I'm SO ready for this Summer.

  6. Where do you get these effects?


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