Heading Out...

Sunday, July 3, 2011

I am packin' up around here and getting ready to head down to the cabin for the night.
It's hot and humid, there is no central air there, no running water...I am trying to mentally prepare myself.
I am bringing water guns and bathing suits for the kids.
I might need something a little stronger for myself though.
Eric and Wyatt got the fireworks yesterday, the kids are beyond excited.

The watermelon has been bought.
The devilled eggs are made, the sparklers and bubbles and glow necklaces are packed.
We are out of here until Monday, we will be back in time for fireworks tomorrow night.
Wishing everyone a fun holiday weekend.
Happy 4th of July!


  1. love love and love! i hope you have a great 4th!

  2. Have a wonderful time. You are all prepared. I should probably pick up some hotdogs for tomorrow - huh? Happy Independence Day to you and your family.

  3. It sounds absolutely perfect!
    Happy 4th of July!


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