Monday, September 5, 2011

{Virtual Coffee}

Good morning.
It's another Tuesday that doesn't really feel like a Tuesday since yesterday was a holiday.
But it is Tuesday and I am ready for coffee. 
How about you...what are you having this morning?
I will be having my hillbilly latte again, just like last week.
Oh and speaking of coffee and hillbilly lattes, last week someone asked what kind of espresso
 machine I use and I never answered, I am so bad about that. 
Anyway, we have a janky Mr. Coffee espresso machine that has seen better days. 
Really I need a new machine and if anyone would like to send me a super fancy machine to be
 reviewed or tested out or something I think that would be pretty awesome. 
Who gets those jobs, anyway? Because I would be oh-so good at that.

So, if we were really meeting for coffee this morning...
I would tell you that it is about time to share some back-to-school pictures of my 
big first grader considering he has been in school now for two full weeks. Ooops.

 So, I  mentioned a while back now that my nie-nie style Back-To-School dinner pictures
 would be coming soon...and they would be, if I hadn't accidentally erased them from my camera.
I thought I had already uploaded them onto my computer and I hadn't yet. Ughhhh.
Anyway, this is about all I was left with, which weren't the good ones, but oh well.

Charlotte and I worked on the table decorations while Wyatt was at school. 
We filled jars with chalk, crayons, pencils, paint brushes and rulers for our centerpiece.
I made us little place cards using library cards I cut in half then stamped our names on.
*Someone asked in this post what "kid's champagne" is and I just meant sparkling apple juice, 
7Up, anything bubbly or fizzy that they get to drink only on special occasions.


My boy is a first grader now...and I'm not sure I like it. all goes so fast, that might just be the truest cliche ever.
That cliche made me roll my eyes on the inside, especially with my first baby...
 hearing that from mother's of older kids, grandma's...all the time and thinking; 
Really? fast? 
because being up all night with a non-sleeping baby doesn't seem to be going at the speed of light...
But they were right and knew something I was yet to know.

I emailed these pictures to both sets of grandparents and my mom replies by saying,
"Cute, but did you know you cut his head off?"
Ummm...yeah mom, I meant to do that.

I am so thankful that Wyatt has made the adjustment to school well again this year, it makes it so
 much easier on all of us if he likes going to school and there are no meltdowns or tears 
or anything. He loves his teacher and is excited that he gets to take Science and Social Studies
 this year, although he thinks that means he will be doing Science experiments, complete 
with beakers, any day now.
I had to remind him that this is only first grade and he is six.

Charlotte was excited to see Mrs. Boyd's extensive book collection in her classroom and even found
 a Little Critter book we do not own.  What!?? I seriously thought we had them all. 
We love Mercer Mayer at our house!

Ours is a late-start school, the bell does not ring until 9:15. I didn't think I would like the hours at first
 but now I really do and it will actually work out good with Charlotte's preschool time. 
And speaking of that, my baby starts preschool tomorrow you guys.
Tomorrow. How in the hell did this day get here so fast?
It always seemed so far into the future. Tomorrow might be ugly for me, really.


So that's the school low-down for my little guy.
I feel like we are into the swing of things now although we will be throwing a whole
new element into it starting tomorrow with preschool now, too.
The transportation part of all of this is definitely not my favorite part, that's for sure.
Well, I hope everyone had a great weekend...for those in the States, hope you enjoyed your holiday.
We had a nice laid-back weekend and I am still trying to get over a sore throat and a
super annoying cough, it was nice to be able to sleep in and do lots of hanging out at home.
Tell me what you are up to was your weekend...what is going on in your
 little corner of the world?

{Ps- my husband just painted the more lovely blue backdrop for my pictures anymore!
The porch looked straight-up white trash but I did LOVE that blue...sigh...
but my porch does look really nice now}


  1. Im pretty sure you are one of the most creative bloggers I have come you.

  2. that boy is so precious. i've always thought your kids' countenances are so, so beautiful. my little guy starts 1st grade on wednesday. except our school starts at 7:45. i would LOVE starting in the 9's. wow. and i love your table. i may try to copy it in a simple version for wednesday.

  3. That first picture of them is just precious the way Charlotte looks at Wyatt. I'm glad he's adjusting well to school and hope Charlotte has a great first day tomorrow! BTW, love the new blog look :)

  4. i think those kids reeeeealy need to be besties with my kids- Audrey is 6 and would play perfectly with both C & W...i promise you...

    and i have a very cool coffee machine that i know you need to try my kitchen!

    great table centre've inspired me for tonight as Audrey and Sol went back to day (Ella tomorrow) and I'm anxiously awaiting pick-up to see how they went!!

    your mum is a hoot- yep i noticed the no head...but assumed you did that ;) tee hee!!

    back later with my VC post...

    hugs to you hon- hold C a little longer tonight!

    Melissa xxx

  5. Good morning! Sending a hug to you when you drop off Charlotte at pre-school. I remember that day clearly! Now my youngest is a freshman at high school. Time really does fly.

  6. Wonderful photos. I always love reading your posts. We also did a feast Nie Nie style. What fun!!

  7. LOL. I love your mom's reactions to the photos of Wyatt. Classic. And so helpful! :)

    Hope you feel better soon!

  8. My mom always says I cut off their heads too much too, with my close ups! too FUNNY! they are "old school" with photo taking, snapping pix like a mile away from their subject HA HA!!!!!!!!!!!!! i love your photos!

  9. Good luck tomorrow! Yikes. I am going to be in the same boat. Wanna call me so we can cry our eyes out together?!? Sniff.

    I love your lovely back to school touches. You always amaze me with your crafty vintage cuteness!

    Hugs to you!

  10. A back to school party sounds like so much fun!

  11. I'm just having regular coffee with all natural sweet cream creamer. Mmmmm...

    He looks so cute all ready for school!

    Found you from Aubrey S. blog and thought I'd join in the fun! Nice to have Coffee for you.

  12. Oohhhh, I feel for you with your little one starting Pre-K tomorrow. My oldest started Kindergarten today and it was tough, for ME. :0) She did great. :0) The day is already going by so fast though--I get to go pick her up in an hour or so.

    That's great that your son loves his school so far! It makes it easier for the mama to "let go." Also, I know exactly what you mean about the "time flying" thing. It really does go S L O W when they're waking up all through the night (I still have one doing that) but as they get older and busier, time DOES go faster and faster.

    One last thing: I love your mom's comment on the pic. That is SO something my mom would say. :0)

  13. I don't think I realized we both had boys in the first grade. It is craziness. He's going to be seven in a month and it's FREAKING ME OUT. Just saying.

    Thanks for the coffee!

  14. Very cute decorations!! Great pictures of your little one going back to school and that classroom is so cute!

  15. I think you'd be an awesome reviewer of espresso makers ;-)
    And I so totally get you with the preschool tears. I'm sniffling as we speak.

  16. WOW! What a multitude milestones you've experienced this week. HOLY MOLY! I'll send you some virtual kleenex for tomorrow's first day of preschool. Time really does fly while you are having fun.

    Have a Wonderful week!

  17. Oh, Amy! I have to tell you I laughed so hard at your Mom telling you that you had cut off Wyatt's head on one of the photos you sent her. Oh my goodness, I think I may have even peed my pants, I soooo related to that part. It looks like you are settling in to a new rhythm. And it keeps changing but you keep going with the flow, sometimes maybe swimming upstream like the salmon. How have I digressed? Yikes! Too much caffeine too late at night!


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