{Virtual Coffee}

Monday, October 31, 2011

Hello friends.
Hello day-after-Halloween.
Hello November.
Wow...can you believe it is the first day of November?
November...as in almost December?
I think I am still in a bit of denial about that.

Well, pull up a chair...your computer chair or your couch or your office chair....
and let's have coffee this morning.
This is what it looks like outside this morning....a beautiful Fall day...a little bit chilly but sunny.

So, if we were really meeting for coffee this morning we would have to discuss Halloween.
For those of you that do celebrate Halloween, what did you do last night?
Have you been snacking on candy all morning?
I have a confession.
{Yes, I have ate way too much Halloween candy already but that is not it}
By the time Halloween night rolled around this year I was pretty much over it.
Like I could have skipped the whole trick-or-treating thing all together.
We did Halloween-related stuff all weekend and the kids both had their little parties at school
last week so I was kinda ready to be done with it already.
Do you know what I mean?

Do I sound like a terrible mom?
While I am complaining let me just add how mad it makes me when kids come
trick-or-treating not dressed in a costume and you know they are usually too old as well
and have a bit of an attitude.
Seriously? No thanks.
I don't care if you are 16, just put on a mask, a wig, bunny ears...a white sheet...anything and I
will give you candy.
Okay, totally done bitching now, I promise.
Anyway, we did go trick-or-treating though, the kids had fun and it was a good night.
We went out for a little then came back home to pass out candy.
The kids dumped out their bags on the floor and we watched The Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown.
Love that show, as much (or more) than the kids.

Oh and you know what else?
I carved the pumpkins all by myself this year.
I have been behind on everything so yes, I carved the pumpkins on Halloween....just in time.
This is a job I usually leave for Eric but there was no time for that so I did it.
Maybe not the greatest job in the world, but they got carved.
And then I roasted the pumpkin seeds and they made the house smell so good.
Even the kids liked the pumpkin seeds which is a bit surprising.

So of we were really meeting for coffee this morning....
I would need a weather report form you, just the little old lady that I seem to be turning into.
Any of you affected by the crazy snow storm out East?
Man, I am just not ready for any of that yet.
It is supposed to be in the 50's- 60's here this week, maybe a little rain one day.
I can handle that.

                                                                             Source: sweetpeachblog.com via Amy on Pinterest

                                    Source: Uploaded by user via Amy on Pinterest

I love this print.
And these little coffee cozies...how cute are they?
I think I need to learn how to knit.
Well, I hope everyone has a great day...thanks for stopping by for coffee.
Happy November.

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  1. cute kiddies :) we snacked on pumpkin seeds today too. mmmmmm. love those! happy halloween, sweet lady!

  2. I carved our three pumpkins all on my own. I mostly do it just to roast the seeds. Your kids are so cute! :)
    I really love your new header! Happy November!

  3. so glad it's over!
    am i grouchy to say that i think it's one of my least favorite holidays?
    i love fall!
    i could skip halloween.
    but i do love your pics.
    i wanta come over!!!!

  4. I love those pics of the latte and the fall colors in the background! No Halloween for us this year, though we did see some shops selling stuff. I do totally know what you mean about the teenagers with attitudes and no costumes though. And they come every year and I just bet they think they're the FIRST EVER to do be so "cool." *snort* (Yeah, I can be grouchy too. lol)

  5. Cute costumes! I was kinda over Halloween before it started. Doesn't make you a bad mom at all :) I love roasted pumpkin seeds! We're doing ours tonight finally. All safe and dry here, sunny and chilly which is perfect, and rare, for a Cleveland fall :) Have a great day!

  6. What a wonderful post.. And no I do not think your a bad mom just cause you don't want to go trick or treating.. You would be a bad mom if you really didn't go!! I do know what you mean about rude trick or treaters. We had one girl who was not dressed and asked why we gave out this type of candy.. I wanted to take the candy back.

    Thanks so much for hosting Virtual.

    Hugs, Linda

  7. Oh I forgot to tell you I just love those coffee cozies.. Too cute...

  8. Oh! A Pink Lady from Grease! Great costumes and pictures. And kuddos to you for getting the pumpkin carving done. I was trying to buy pumpkins at 4pm last night then just gave up. Maybe we can do it this week eventhough the festivities are over.

  9. Wowza! This is the first time I've actually been able to read your blog in the past week. Last week any time I came on over it was all jumbled up and I couldn't see any images. Weird!

    Anyway I know completely what you mean about being "over" it. I didn't even dress up a tiny little bit for the kiddos, and I usually do. Glad you enjoyed your holiday. Now off to read the rest of your blog.

    Comment bombing???

  10. Oh, yeah. I totally hear you about the older kids trick-or-treating and not having costumes. Like when do you just draw the line and say look you have facial hair I think you're too old to trick-or-treat?

    And I pinned those cozies too...so adorable. If only I had more time to knit.

    Thanks for coffee and try not to eat too much candy.

  11. My 14 year old walked around with friends to trick or treat and I MADE him at least wear a mask. It is so odd to have teens...they don't want to let go of being a kid, but they want to look like they are too cool to actually dress up. I used to get annoyed with trick-or-treaters that were teens when mine were little, but actually it is a little sad to see that look in their eye when they realize that part of their childhood is over.

  12. no thank God that snow didn't hit us. that would have done me IN! first a hurricane, than an earthquake and a freak snowstorm...yikes!


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