Adios, 2011

Friday, December 30, 2011

Just one more day left of this year, it is kind of hard to believe.
I almost said--or did say in my head--that I am kind of ready to get this year over with already.
Ready for a fresh start, anxious to put this year behind me and move on, forget some of it.
But that's not entirely true.
I look at all of these pictures from the past year and see how much goodness there was.
How much happiness, how much joy, how much fun.
Big things, special things and little everyday things.
Sure, there was bad and sad and tough.
There were challenges and stress and dark days.
But I'll take it, all of it.
Because the good wouldn't be so good without the bad, right?
The easy wouldn't be so good without the hard.

I am ready for the new year but I wouldn't trade it for this past year either.
Not for a minute.
We will be welcoming in 2012 at the cabin this weekend.
I think it is the perfect place to start fresh.
We are all really looking forward to it and hoping the rain goes away before tomorrow.
Thank you all so much for hanging out with me here in my little space this past year.
For reading and listening, for  your comments and cheer leading and friendship.
I truly appreciate it so very much.
I will be back here next week, see you then.

Happy New Year to all of you!


  1. I wish you a creative and spectacular 2012!!!! Thank you for sharing your heart, gifts, talent and joy here for us all to savor. I love your collages.... Happy new year!!!

  2. Feliz Ano Novo!
    Que 2012 seja lindo, repleto de felicidades e fotografias lindas


  3. Happy New Year, Amy!! So glad our blog paths crossed.

  4. happy new year to you, sweet mama :)

  5. happy new year to you, too! :)

  6. Happy New Year Amy! I have enjoyed visiting here often and being blessed by your photography, honesty, and sweet sweet children! May you have a blessed 2012!

  7. Happy New Year Amy! I have enjoyed visiting here often and being blessed by your photography, honesty, and sweet sweet children! May you have a blessed 2012!

  8. Wishing you a happy new year and a great new start with your loved ones. And yes, looking at your photos again I can definitely see a lot of good!


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