Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Not Invited.

I am sitting in the living room surrounded by Legos and crayons and stuffed animals.
I am drinking my peppermint tea and thinking of the New Year to come in just a
few short days.
First you should read this awesome little daily truth, then come back here.
Oooh, I love that one so much.
"Beliefs that make us feel stuck."
Wait--are they speaking directly to me?
It feels like it.

Have you been thinking much about all things New Year?
I have.
I like the feeling of going into a new year.
A fresh start...a new beginning...a clean slate...all of that.
The hope that new things can happen, that old things can be left behind...

This time last year I as trying to figure out my One little Word for the year,
you know a bit of a theme to get yourself going, motivated for the year.
After much thought I finally came up with Conquer.
Umm.....I never really got anywhere with that word.
I didn't.
I had high hopes but it kind of stopped right there.
I feel kind of silly saying this, but last year was a bit of a rough year for me,
pretty early in the year things were off  and now looking back I see that some of my
other plans, ideas, hopes and intentions didn't stand much of a chance
because I had bigger fish to fry.
A bigger, crazier fish to fry, I might add.
The reason I say I feel a little silly saying it was rough is mostly because I see what
other people go through and then I trivialize my own challenges.
Like since things could always be worse, I don't have the right to say it was rough for me.
That's dumb and I intend to stop doing that...soon.
Why do we do that?

There are many things uninvited into my life this year.
I know that doesn't mean they won't ever show up, they will, but it means that
I am not welcoming them and I don't want them to get too comfortable here in my
little life.
I'm not big on Resolutions but there are things that need to change, things I want to
figure out and plans to be made.
That's where my head is this week.



  1. Amy,
    I'm totally excited for 2012. It is a fresh,blank slate as of right now.
    One of the first things I want to do is sit with my husband and just talk about what we want for our family. What can we do to make our kids better people? What can we do to connect more as a couple?
    I'm so looking forward to making it a great year.
    I also can't wait to purge a lot of material crap that just seems to stick around here.(Of course I'll be keeping my favorite turquoise mug from Target-love that you have it too!)

  2. I am not big on resolutions... but I like the getting rid of uninvited things idea.

  3. I tried to find your email address to send you an email, am I missing it?
    I'm in the same spot as you. I had a bout with panic attacks this year as's something I've dealt with on and off for many years. I can totally relate and this year I'm ditching some big dreams from last year and handing them to God until I'm ready for them...this year is about healing:)
    Chrissie Grace

  4. I love that, thanks for sharing the link! i get them in my inbox and often delete without reading them, so bad I know! they are so uplifting, I need to read them every day!
    okay friend, you need to not be so hard on yourself! I am sorry for what you have been through this year and I hope 2012 will be awesome for you and your family....hoping and praying your husband lands the perfect job and you will feel at home wherever you may be....
    much love and prayers and wishes for you in 2012!
    I have enjoyed reading your blog so very much. I have to say it's probably my #1 favorite blog!

  5. Cheers to a fresh start! I like the feeling of starting over too. Loved that letter that you linked too ;D

  6. i'm feeling like leaving some things in 2011 too...where they belong. i have some preconceived notions that just aren't true, but i cling to them like they are and it's just not good. i hear you, sista. here's to fresh starts!

  7. Oh! I get the Daily Truths from the Brave Girls as well. That was such a good one. I always feel like they are just perfect for the day.
    I will be excited to hear what your "one word" is for next year. :)

  8. luuuving this post amy. you're right, that brave girls post was awesome. i was struck by it too, and strangely felt it resonated with what i just wrote and hit "publish" on like ten seconds ago. i'm feeling a need to analyze my 2011 word too, but it's liberating to read your honesty about yours. thank you for that. i dont need to muster up some "success" for the word if I can't find it. life rolled on, and we grew. maybe not in all the expected ways, but we did, regardless. and yeah, stop it about minimizing your issues. leave that one in 2011. :) loves.

  9. Thanks for this post, and for sharing that link. I'm pretty sure I *really* needed to read that right about now. I was just telling my husband the other day that I know new years are for fresh beginnings and looking forward, renewal, and inspiration. But I find myself unready to contemplate beginnings, and to think of a new year starting. I'm still clinging to the old one, and feeling a bit like a dear friend has left the party without saying goodbye.

    Maybe the week between Christmas and New Year is really an important time of transition, and I just need to make the shift into letting go.

    I hope you find smoother sailing and tons of love and warmth and joy in 2012.

  10. Hi Amy ,
    I enjoyed reading your thoughts , thank you for sharing ...and I love the letter that you linked to . We all have " uninvited guests" don't we , but what matters , I think , is how we deal with them . My " word " for this year perhaps is " humble " ...,yes , I am learning how to except live's unexpected moment with peace and open mind .
    I wish you joy , hope , wonder , peace .

  11. Your photos are really beautiful, I found your flickr this morning and come check your blog.

    My name is Monalisa, live in Brazil and just loved your photos!


    ps. I'm using google translator = x

  12. Amy- my sweet friend...

    i really would love to be there just for a weekend- we could talk..and bake...and i could hang out with your kiddos...and you could think....

    i remember your choice of word last year- conquer...i really felt inspired to find one of my own...i didn't come up with one, but i often thought of yours- i feel like we are focusing on *conquer* at the moment with our move back home- it's BIG...

    Are you choosing a word...thought...something this year's end...or are you doing what i usually do- listen and then go with the flow....i'd like a focus this year- a *bumper sticker* thought- hit me with one...

    thinking of you...Melissa xxx

  13. not really a resolution girl myself. I loved this post and the fabulous photos too!


leave me a know you wanna.