{Virtual Coffee}

Monday, February 13, 2012

Good Morning and Happy Valentine's Day everyone.
How's it going?
I am actually writing my coffee post on Monday evening and will post it tonight so
it is up and ready for Tuesday morning.
Last week we had lots of trouble with our connection and I don't want to have to worry about
that happening again tomorrow. For some reason we have had a lot of trouble with it
lately and it is so annoying. Frustrating.
You wouldn't want to hear me when that happens, it's kinda ugly.

So if we were really meeting for coffee, I would have to ask what your Valentine plans
are...do you celebrate....or not...do your kids have parties at school?
I have to tell you that when I was in school I LOVED the Valentine's Day party...or maybe
what I really loved was making our shoebox Valentine mailboxes.
Did you make those?
I loved  that.

Anyway, grab a seat and a cup of coffee and one of my mom's sugar cookies because
she makes the best sugar cookies and homemade butter cream icing ever.
We celebrated Eric's birthday with my family on Sunday and she sent us all home with the
extra cookies.

So tell me about your weekend....how was it?
We had a three-day weekend but it still didn't seem quite long enough..funny how that
always happens, huh?
But this weekend we have a four-day weekend, no school Friday or Monday and I am really
looking forward to that!
I think I am as excited about days off of school as the kids are and maybe even more so.

Saturday we all went to a little Amish town about 30-40 mins away and went to an antique
store and a really cool bulk food store that sold just about everything including local
eggs, meat, cheese, etc.
The kids went crazy in the candy aisle, they had gummy everything.

Today (Tuesday) I have to go to school to help out with something during lunch recess
and then back to school at the end of the day for the Valentine's Day party.
I am happy I get to help, I would feel really bad if I had to miss a lot because of work, but
Monday was such a long day and I think Tuesday is going to be another one. Oh well.
Right now it is snowing and is supposed to get a little icy tonight and I really hope it
just snows and snows, enough to cancel school...or else just stop now.
A snow day sounds really good to me.
If we were really meeting for coffee today I would tell you that if we did have a snow day
I would love to spend it in bed, curtains open, sun shining in, watching the snow fall and
and reading The Hunger Games. I am on book two and I cannot put it down.
I absolutely loved the first one.

Doesn't that sound wonderful?
A day in bed, under the covers, reading all day...
Oh yeah-- and pretend you don't see my messy dresser over there, k?
Well, tell me what your plans are for today/tonight...
Are you doing anything special for Valentine's Day?

Well, thanks for joining me here for coffee today.
I have to get going now though because I have a book waiting for me : ) 
Have a great day  everyone.
HaPpY VaLenTinE's day.


  1. Thanks for coffee Amy, staying in bed and reading all day really appeals to me! Reading "Sing me Home" by Jodi Picoult...can't put it down. :)

  2. I have the same vintage valentines!!! I just knew you would relish those - I found them in a store a few years ago and, since I have a son, he likes to use his own more "manly" ones for friends so I get to use my vintages sparingly. Silly to hold onto something meant for sharing, huh? Love those sugar cookies, but love the idea of staying in bed even more! And I'm with you on the school days off. I look forward to ours. We have one coming up on Friday and it is going to be my day to sleep in and nobody is going to stop me! Thanks for the coffee. I'll be back later for a refill.

  3. I've been sitting in bed reading all day... with the flu... so not quite the same appeal. Those cookies look yummy! Thanks for coffee

  4. Happy Valentine's Day!
    I can't wait to read THe Hunger Games! I don't want to start until I have all 3 of them! plus I am reading another book right now. I have about 100 books on my TO READ list! ha ha!
    have a FUN day!

  5. Your coffee posts always make me smile!!! Those cookies....ummmmmmmm sinful! Isn't it fun visiting the Amish towns? Have you been to shipshawana?? It has a sweet carousel and candy shop! Happy valentines day to you and your crew!!!! Xoxoxoxoxox

  6. The light coming through your window looks dreamy... I can see why you'd love to spend time in there reading and relaxing. Hope you and your family are having a lovely V-Day!

  7. Hope you had a GREAT V-day even if it was busy. By now you are hopefully cuddling with a good book. Thanks for coffee, and if that's your idea of a dirty dresser I'd for you to see my house. :-) Have a lovely week.

  8. Always fun to stop by and have coffee with you!

  9. Those cookies look so perfect!

  10. happy day, amy! i hope you got some reading time in. enjoy your long weekend!


leave me a comment...you know you wanna.