Ten On Ten /// March

Monday, March 11, 2013

Yesterday was a pretty busy day for a Sunday, for us anyway.
We went shopping with my mom and sister for easter clothes and tennis shoes, out to lunch, 
and then birthday present shopping for a party the kids went to last night.

Home for a little rest then on to the three hour birthday party on a Sunday... 
on the night of the time change and school the next day.
Let me just tell you that this party was something else- it was in a Gym and there was
 a bounce house, face painting, a magician, balloon animals, pizza and cake.
By the time we got home(late) and got the kids to bed this mama was ready for a glass of wine-- or two.

There's just a bit of our day.
I am super excited about Springing forward, even thought the kids and I overslept this morning
and they were walking to school still eating their bagels. Oops.
Hopefully tomorrow goes smoother for us but I am so thankful for that extra hour of daylight, so
 I am definitely not complaining.

Hope your week is off to a good start!
Linking up with Rebekah today, go check it out.


  1. Whew. I'm not the only one that over-slept today! We never over sleep but of course- today! Right?

    The rainy shot. Yes. That is today :( Although yesterday was balmy and okay. I like the picture of Charlotte getting her face painted. What did she get? Oh and how old is that gym? It reminds me of the Mary Crapo gym in my neighborhood. Old, creaky, and wonderful!!!

    Also- I'm stealing your brown paper doodle idea. Such a great idea! You always have such great ideas.

    Oh one more thing. What you said, commented to me- well it touched my heart. I know you know all about anxiety. It is a comfort to know that I don't suffer alone without the cheerful words from friends that can brighten a day with just a comment. You rock, mama. Thank you.

  2. i'm also thankful for the extra hour of sunshine! and haha, i have a photo in my 'ten on ten' stream of calico critters, as well. your girl is precious and i lovelovelove her style. it looks like she would get along well with my little one. : ) i am always inspired by your posts and especially your awesome photos. you really have a gift for capturing moments!

  3. i always love your 10 on 10's. the facepainting rainbow leggings is my favorite. by far. :)

    what a great sunday. :)

  4. looks like a beautiful day!
    love those sweet little sylvanian family dolls or whatever they are. precious!!

  5. Great photos! I love the skirt and socks and boots, and the quilt with your little girl on the mac, oh, and of course those colorful stripey pants! :)

  6. Darn, I ALWAYS forget to do 10 on 10! What is wrong with me!!

    Your day looks lovely in all your shots. It's amazing what a camera does (and doesn't!) capture. Happy TEN! x


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