Weekly Stills

Sunday, March 3, 2013

A collection of snapshots of our days; little everyday moments caught by my lens.

Looking through the pictures on my Nikon and on my phone this week makes me realize
how many are taken inside these days... man, I am so, so ready to be outside again.
Spring, we are ready and waiting!

1. a cold day- but the sun was shining so it was bearable
2. afternoon light from my view on the couch
3. my man working his magic in the kitchen
4. a shot of purple
5. playing in the backyard... this girl loves the snow!
6. new thrift store game, 1950's version of tic-tac-toe
7. wyatt's classroom; 2nd grade art work
8. around the house
9. Sunday, the one day we very occasionally take the newspaper
10. family day: note our make-shift bowling lane on the living room floor
11. snow covered tree in the back yard

We had a great weekend which ended in family over for pizza + bowling today... cousins playing, dressing up... it was a good day.
Actually, it was a really good week.
Happy Sunday!

The Beetle Shack


  1. well being in Australia and still having a hot summer I look at your images and feel guilty for complaining about the heat! wonderful shots! xx

  2. these are all so beautiful!
    and your home is just LOVELY.
    have a great week, sweetie! :)

  3. Stopping by to say Hi. Very nice pictures!! You always have such nice postings!! Blessings ♥ Amy

  4. The light in the second one is just delicious!


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