It's no secret that I, like many of you, love, love , LOVE me some Instagram.
Love it.
I love sharing bits and pieces of our days, those little random moments I wouldn't catch because I don't have my Nikon with me...
and just the ordinary, simple things.
I love the convenience and options of shooting with my iPhone, but also if you are anything like ME, you get to the end of days
and wonder if you accomplished a single thing that day.
And that is another big reason why I love Instagram so much.
So this morning I captured this.
The kids and their cousins, the morning after a sleep-over where they all stayed up way too late(except the baby-who's not really a baby)...
still laying on the floor in piles of blankets being silly, loud + a little crazy.
Is it a fantastic picture?
Is it clear and in focus and and as good of a shot as I could have gotten with my Nikon?No. But my phone was in my pocket and all I told the kids was to scoot in closer together... no posing or arranging them, no messing with settings.
Just captured in the moment and that is what I love.
The other thing I love so much?
Laying in bed at night, with the lights out, thinking about all I did not do that day and that dumb to-do list that looms over me, I look through
Instagram and then I see; we made blueberry muffins, I folded three loads of laundry, Charlotte painted, we bought school supplies and ate Popsicles.
We swam, went to a parade, visited one of our favorite parks and went out for Mexican food.
I mean, it is something, right?
And those little moments in our days are what we are all going to remember I think... not how many projects I did or didn't complete, not howclean how my house is.
I'm always looking for fun photo apps... any favorites, or new ones you've been wanting to try?
I have to say, I do think Banana Camera is kinda fun.
You can add the date, location, text if you want to, in different fonts... or leave it blank.
I love IG too. Like a lot. And all that stuff is a lot. The stuff that matters:-)