{Virtual Coffee}

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Good morning.
It's an early + hot Tuesday morning and somehow I am still ready for a hot cup of coffee anyway...
Occasionally I will do iced coffee, but for the most part I just need hot coffee, no matter what.
So grab a cup of hot coffee, or cold coffee or water or diet coke or tea... whatever it is you're having this morning and let's talk.

So, it is in fact September 10 and it is supposed to be 99* today... 99... as in, just one degree under 100*.
In September.
How gross is that?
I mean seriously, it's just not right.
Any feelings I had of missing Summer or lovingly reminiscing of those long, hot, Summer days are now long gone.
The kids' school is not all air conditioned and let's be honest, nothing good comes of kids being in a hot, gross building.... so, they get out
an hour early... not sure how much that helps really, but they do.

If we were really meeting for coffee this morning, I would have to tell you that I started Week In The Life  yesterday... and I am still going.
Dear Day # 2, I will not quit today, I will conquer you.
If you didn't read my post yesterday, you can read more about Ali Edwards' Week In The Life project, here.
I've wanted to do it before but just never did, so this year  I am determined  to finish it.
I think it would be so cool to have a whole bunch of snapshots that document an entire week in our lives, right here and now in 2013.
How awesome would it be to look back at a week in your life in pictures form when you were a kid?
I think it would be so cool... to see not only pictures of me and my family but what a typical day looked like, how we spent our evenings,
favorite toys, books we read, my parent's cars... all of it.
I think that once this week is over I will take all of these pictures and make them into a hardback book online...
I know there are a  million sites to choose from but I'm not sure what the best ones are...
Any suggestions?

Here's just a bit of my day yesterday...

So, if we were really meeting for coffee this morning I would have to tell you about my two phone interviews I have had in the last week.
First, let me say, this whole getting back into the working world is both scary and kinda exciting at the same time.
I'm ready, or I think I am ready to do it,  but at the same time, it's scary.... AND... can I do it?
I mean, I fancy myself pretty damn unorganized now... what will it be like when I am really working out of the home again?
It's weird... but good... and scary... but still kinda good.
Do you know what I mean?
I've decided that even if nothing comes from this job that it was a good thing because it made me update my resume(that had not ben done in TEN years)
and now I feel like I am really ready to get serious about looking.

So, I guess that's about it for me this morning... I have lots and lots of laundry and straightening and cleaning and list making to do...
We are going out of town to stay in these cabins in Indiana this weekend and I have so much to do to get ready for the weekend and I keep telling myself;
I will not procrastinate.
I will nto procrastinate.
I will not procrastinate.

What are you up to today?
Is it starting to feel like Fall yet where you are... or are you dealing with another heat wave like we are?
Bring on the 70* weather and the pumpkin spice lattes!
Ps- I am thinking of making these cookies for the weekend... Salted Caramel + Nutella Stuffed Double Chocolate chip Cookies.
Whatcha think?

Remember to hashtag your Instagram pix with #havingmycoffeeehere... not just today, but every day!
I love to see where others are having their coffee... on the way to work?
School drop off line?
On the couch?
Happy Tuesday!


  1. Those cookies look delicious! I'll take a dozen please:)

  2. Congratulations on keeping up with Week in the Life... I have my pages printed out and I've written in most hours. It's mostly fed baby, took kids here and there and fed baby :) Maybe it's going to be a somewhat boring week to document or the perfect one... who knows. I love your photos!

    1. Well, it is only Day 2. Michelle... i still have plenty of time to fail : ) No really, I am determined to complete it-- I can do it ! I think the baby is going to make your week just perfect, I can't wait to see your week in pictures!

  3. Good luck with the interviews. I hope you are happy with the direction. I feel like I'm still trying to figure out what I want to be when I grow up and how to follow a dream that keeps inching toward the forefront of my brain. I admire your dedication to Week in the Life, I wish you the best of luck! I ALWAYS procrastinate before going away and I regret it every single time. A weekend away sounds fantastic, I hope the weather simmers down a bit, so it's not so hot. Let me know how the cookies turn out!

  4. I am envious of this project. Would you call me a copy cat if I tried it out next week?


leave me a comment...you know you wanna.