Hey there.
So, I take a lot of pictures with my iphone, like a lot.
No, it's not the same as taking pictures with my big camera but it is easy and convenient and I am so grateful for this option.
I know for a fact that I take wayyy more pictures than I would otherwise but I really, really need to get into a better habit of actually
printing these pictures because if I never do then taking all these pictures will do no one any good in the future anyway, right?
It's on my To-Do List--- like pretty much everything else.
So this is my most favorite app lately.
Well for quite a while now, really... it's the VSCO Cam app.
Check it out here.
Also, on my pages up there ^ , check out the page that says My VSCO Grid
for lots more of my photos taken with this app.
I love the simple look of the editing with this app.
l o v e .
What are your favorite photography apps?
I love finding new ones, even if in reality I am probably just going to stick with my few favorites
it's still fun to try out new ones!
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