Ten Years Old.

Friday, October 3, 2014

This happened today.
Wyatt turned ten today.
Ten freaking years old.
First child in the double digits you guys.
I'm not gonna lie, all week I have kinda felt like laying in bed crying, downing a bottle(or three) of
wine or just pulling the covers over my head in complete denial.

It's a lot.
All of the emotions. 
Allll of them.
But I have been trying really hard(because it really is something that I  have had to make a conscious effort to do) to not let
this milestone Birthday get me completely down.
Funny how Birthdays and kids and the years can do that to us, huh?

So in the spirit of keeping myself out of the  f  u  n  k,   I willl just say this-
This boy is the one of the two best things that has ever happened to me.
He was wished for and prayed for and everything in between.
He is beyond special and we are celebrating ten years of my sweet little(not so little) Wyatt James
all weekend long.

Tonight's plan includes take-out pizza, popcorn, movie candy and The Bad News Bears.
Blow up bed in the middle of the living room, pajamas and Legos for days... It's his idea of the perfect night and it sounds
pretty good to me, too!
Happy Weekend to you, hope it's a GREAT one!



  1. Happy birthday to your Wyatt!!

    My oldest turns twelve next month. I was ok with ten and kind of ok with eleven, but twelve has really hit me hard. Sigh.

  2. Such a beautiful post Amy. Lovely photos too. ones to be treasured for a lifetime. I hope Wyatt had an amazing birthday x x x


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