Tuesday night.
Parent-Teacher conferences at school.
This was the first year for "student-led" conferences at our school(not sure if this was a new thing?) and this boy took it
pretty seriously.
The dress shirt, the hat, clip-on tie and the handkerchief in his pocket.
Not pictured is his pocket watch.
Even better than this awesome photo is how cute he was presenting his conference.
They had to write up goals and decide which areas they need to improve and how they plan to do it.
I am so proud of him and not just for his grades but for being a good student-nice, respectful, helpful, for always trying his
hardest and for just being himself.
This boy makes this Mama so very proud.
{Hipstamatic Tin Type app for Iphone}
He looks very dashing! When I taught, we did student led conferences. I thought they were fabulous because the kids become invested in their education and begin to get an understanding of how they work, what their strengths are, and how to improve on their work habits. All realistic lifelong lessons! Glad his went so well!