{Virtual Coffee}

Friday, November 21, 2014

Good Morning + Happy  Tuesday Wednesday errr--  Friday. 
I am craving some kind of normalcy and routine and I thought for old time's sake I would pop in here and do a Tuesday
morning Virtual Coffee post - and then I realized... it is Wednesday morning.
But that's okay, so we are having Virtual Coffee anyway... even though it is now
f  r  i  d  a  y   and I am just now finishing this post.

Check out my new perfect-sized mug I got at Target last week, I love the blue, my most favorite color is blue.
So I have a thing for coffee mugs, and maybe probably have way too many, but I am always searching for just-the-right-size
latte cups and this one is pretty good.

Anyway- If we were really meeting for coffee this morning...
I would tell you that the last couple of weeks have been an absolute whirlwind with nothing feeling normal at all... 
like nothing, so this feels really good.
Just sitting on my couch,  freezing under a blanket and drinking my coffee... feels perfect, just perfectly normal and I love it.

My dad was in the hospital for thirteen days and he's home now but there is a really long way to go and so many things to 
figure out and.... it's just a LOT. A lot.
So until I am ready to even sit down and talk more about all of that I will just say that my family is so feeling thankful for so
many different things and the whole being thankful/Thanksgiving thing truly takes on a whole different meaning for us this year.

And speaking of thankfulness and Thanksgiving... note the pumpkins I still have out in the living room?
I know all of you love Christmas just a whole, whole lot but it's still Fall(ish) around here.
I stick pretty hard to my no Christmas stuff out until after Thanksgiving rule, not because I don't like Christmas just like
everybody else, but because I want to attempt to enjoy the holiday season I am in currently.
Attempting, I said.

If I am honest I will tell you that I am still not adjusted to this time change at all.
In the hospital we would look out the window and see the sun going down so early and it felt like
it should be 8:0 pm .... but it was only like 4:45 pm.... which just made for much longer nights.
The hard part for me is the lack of sunshine during the day we have been having lately...
I have learned as I have gotten older that the lacking sunshine thing really bothers me, even more
than the cold weather, if that's even possible.
If I can ever get my tired, lazy $#@ up early in the morning I know I will get to enjoy some early morning light though,
which is a definite good thing.

And yes, it's true, we have had snow already and I just felt kind of indifferent about it.
Probably a little annoyed, too.
Leaving the hospital late at night after a long day to realize it snowed and you need to 
scrape ice off of your car and you don't have a scraper in your car, is not a good thing.
But right here, in this shot... it looks pretty, right?
It did look pretty falling and we didn't get much at all.

One more thing before I go this morning, I just finished this book and I loved it.
It isn't very long at all and was a pretty quick read!
Suddenly, in this weather, all I can think about is reading books and baking and being under the covers way too early in the evening.
Time to nest and hibernate for the Winter I guess.

Thanks for stopping by here for coffee this morning, hope you have a great day !
Any fun plans for the weekend?
Tonight the kids and I are going to celebrate a Friday night not in the hospital with pizza and some movies I think.
That's exactly the kind of Friday night this mama needs!



  1. I saw on Instagram that your dad was in the hospital. I'm thankful he's home now! Thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.

    1. Amanada- Thank you so much! I appreciate all of the comments, thoughts and prayers from everyone so much... I don't think I ever realized how much they really DO mean when you are going through something like this. Hope you have a great weekend!

  2. reading this post made me smile, we would make great friends because i too am always looking for that perfect mug! the right size, the right color and the right feel .... my husband thinks i'm nuts! sorry to hear about your dad, hope he's feeling better now.


leave me a comment...you know you wanna.