Saturday Date With My Favorite Boy

Sunday, November 23, 2014

Last Saturday was such a good day.
I think it was the longest I had been away from the hospital since my dad went in, I stayed there late Friday night and
didn't go back there until Saturday afternnon.
I had all Saturday morning and a good part of the day "off",  just the break I needed.

I got to spend a good part of the day with my favorite ten year-old and it was such a good day.
As of the middle of this week I was feeling like I had seen so little of my kids for the past few weeks and the time I did see
them wasn't very long at once and was rushed + stressed and without me really fully present, or even halfway present
for that matter.

So Saturday.

We had both been hungry for breakfast food and decided to go to a yummy little neighborhood spot for a late breakfast/brunch.
I was craving pancakes and Wyatt was craving french toast.
Next time I will definitely be getting the french toast because it was oh-so-good.
When I asked Wyatt what he was hungry for his answer made me laugh and he was completely serious : "Just a lot of bacon."

We ate and talked, he drew in his Moleskin and didn't mind me taking pictures of him.
It was perfect.
These uninterrupted, just the two of us dates are so, so good- and they don't happen nearly often enough but they are my favorite.
These one-on-one times with my kids really gives me a glimpse of who they will be one day, if that makes any sense to you.
The way they act, carry themselves and things they talk about is just different when it is just you and them.
It just is. 

After we ate,  we stopped at this little area of beautiful Gingko tress and a beautiful brick homestead-Oh I   l  o  v  e    these
trees and their super cool leaves!
So we had to jump out and get a pictures here, about two hours after we snapped these pictures it was snowing really lightly
and so cold.
I'll take pretty yellow leaves over snow in November any day, in case you were wondering.

Next we went and did a little Christmas window shopping- at Big Kmart... his choice. Ha!
We spent a long time in the toy aisles, him making a list on a piece of paper we scrounged out of my purse while I stood behind
him and took pictures with my phone of the toys he was writing
down... that was how I made my list. 
It was nice to go really slow, to lsiten to him, look at the toys he was talking about(well until I glazed over and could only nod my head...)
and just to not be hurrying him and wishing I was somewhere else in that moment or just going over my mental list of all the things
I need to do.
Why do we always do that, by the way?

In the next couple of weeks I am going to make it a priority to squeeze in a little morning/afternoon or evening date
with my most favorite + funniest little eight-year old.
These are the days to rememeber.


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