A Tiny Little Make-Over

Thursday, January 22, 2015

This little place of mine will be under construction for a few more days while I am working away on it.
And when I say work, it's really just me following a whole lot of directions that are like another language altogether to me.
And I hate directions in general, I never really follow them until I have exhausted everything else.
Honestly, I feel like punching my computer when I am trying to figure this stuff out.
Sad, but true.
So just go ahead and enjoy that sweet little pink house here that I am in love with.
I will be sitting here cussing to myself and drinking margaritas and dreaming of throwing my laptop at the wall.

My plan is to be back here bright and early Monday morning with it all finished and pretty.
Until then.


  1. Looking good so far!:) Can't wait to see the final product!

    1. Thanks, Rachel! You inspired me to finally get my butt in gear and put in the time to give it a little face lift! 😊I'm hoping it inspires me to write and photograph more, too.
      Happy Friday!

  2. Love the look of it so far!! I am not comfortable doing computer stuff such as setting up blog formats, hopeless with computer programs like Excel, etc I have a blog but it doesn't look the way I want it to so I find I don't use it very often... I wish I had someone to do it for me or sit right beside me and explain how to do it for me to do myself:) Looking forward to Monday morning!

    1. Thanks, Elizabeth! I should have said that I bought this blog template off of etsy, downloaded and followed instructions to install it. You can do it, too! : ) A goal of mine is to write and blog more and i really think a lttle make-over will help me to not loathe this space so much, ya know? When I am done I will blog about it and limk to the etsy shop in case anyone is interested!


leave me a comment...you know you wanna.