Staying One Step ahead Of Mama Burn-Out

Thursday, March 12, 2015

This picture was taken last week when the kids and I were in St. Louis.
I am always on the lookout for these graffiti/art walls and the kids know how much I love them, so they are always quick to point them out to me when I am driving.
They are usually fairly cooperative when I do a u-turn and go back to take pictures and beg them to get in some of them for me, too. I said usually.

So this past weekend I realized something... it's kind of funny that it just hit me, but it did.
{But first- my PSA about taking time for yourself...}
Now if you have read here for very long you know I am a HUGE supporter + encourager 
of getting away from home by yourself- dinner, a movie, coffee, exercise, whatever. 
For a few hours, overnight, for a weekend... Whatever you can manage.
It's the recharge that I think everyone needs, everyone... 
But I'm talking specifically about moms here.

I know it's really easy to put yourself last and make sure that everyone else has everything they need and it is natural for us to be everything to everyone. It's also super easy to tell ourselves things like we don't care to do anything anyway and just generally talk ourselves out of it because
we actually feel guilty and feel that we are skipping out on our "jobs" when we get away...
"Things don't go as smoothly at bedtime/school mornings/homework, etc. when I'm not home...
my spouse can't do (blank) as well as I can, so it's better if I am at home..." etc.
At one time or another in motherhood we have all probably told ourselves these things, right?
But it's not true and I'm not buying it. And the amazing thing? Everyone survives at home just fine! And sometimes they have a lot more fun when mom isn't there(duh)... it's good all around for everyone, not just the mom. I promise. So I think you should be thinking about where you are going to get away to solo... and soon.

Back to my realization though...
This might sound completely contradictory to everything I just said, but I still mean
everything I said up there and I do make it a point to get away and I don't feel guilty for it.
I am a better mother for it and that is a fact.
So this past weekend I got away but it wasn't a solo or girlfriends get-away.
I realized that sometimes getting away with the kids is the best way to recharge, too.
With the kids... Yep, I said that- I know it's kind of opposite of what I just said.
 I have always loved doing short, spontaneous road trips with the kids, even if it is just
an hour away... But I don't often do them in the spirit of me "recharging" because sometimes it
feels like an oxymoron to say "recharging" and "with the kids" in the same sentence. Sometimes.
Those little get-aways are usually done for the experience, to break up the monotony of everyday work/school/home life + for us all to do something fun together...
But not for me personally to recharge, necessarily.

But this past weekend away, just the kids and I, was exactly that... a big, fat recharge for me.
It was just the timed I needed away, but with them. I realize this would not work for everyone, or have the same outcome, but with my kids being 8 and 10 and very easy-going, 
easy-to-please travelers, it was perfect. And it was a lot of fun.
There were no dishes, no dog messes, no laundry, nothing staring me down reminding me what 
all I should be doing. We weren't at home, there were lots of options for fun things to do
 and the weather was beautiful, the nicest yet this year. It was awesome. 

The kids got to go to an indoor trampoline park, to the Science center, a sculpture park... 
We went out for donuts + coffee in our pajamas Sunday morning and ate candy
 and watched movies in our hotel room at night. 
It was just the recharge I needed and just a whole lot of fun for the kids.


Are you able to recharge regularly and how do you do it?
What is your favorite way to recharge by yourself?


  1. I agree with everything you write and as the kids get older it is true, you can actually recharge with them!

  2. Who knew?!?! : ) I guess I never really thought of it like this until they were older. It's truly awesome!

  3. YES!! I was nodding my head the whole time I was reading this! Getting away with the kids is so much easier now that they are older. And I am SO glad I rad this TODAY because my hubbie and I are trying to get away just the 2 of us and I keep coming up with the mom excuses!

    1. Hi Amy! Yes, you guys totally should go..sans children! : ) If you have someone willing to watch the kids then go for it! That's always been a huge issue for us.... I think in 10 years we have only been away from the kids two nights in a row(together) because there's really no one to keep them. I hope you guys get to go somewhere fun, just the two of you!


leave me a know you wanna.