{Virtual Coffee}

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Happy Tuesday.
Time for coffee.
It's been an early morning already today.
I am trying, trying to shake the last of the Winter funk off and challenging myself to get up earlier.
I said trying. I didn't say succeeding...yet.
If we were really meeting for coffee this morning, I would tell you to come here.
We are having toast and coffee on the front porch.
Oh- and on our toast is homemade strawberry jam made by my aunt. Yum.

I hope you don't mind the bare feet because we rarely wear shoes in nice weather around here.
You know how some people don't allow their kids to go out without shoes on? Well, that's not me.
A good Spring/Summer day = dirty feet, that's my theory anyway.
I always go barefoot so I can't really tell the kids they can't. Well---I could, I just don't though.

As of today there is only nine days of this school year left.
NINE. How did that happen?
Wyatt only really has to go eight more days because he is going to miss Friday because we are going to a graduation party in Iowa. Eight more days until Summer Vacation is officially here.
I am excited and in disbelief at the same time.
I am ready for it though. I will be happy to get a break from all of my school year duties
and happy that we will have so much free time together to just do whatever.
I feel like this first year of school just really flew by...it makes me kinda sad.
Mostly because I know the older they get the faster everything goes.

Yesterday I cleaned and swept floors and went through some clothes.
I filled up bags to donate and got a lot of stuff done around the house that desperately needed to be done.
We had a busy weekend and I attempted to get caught up on as much as I could on Monday.
It feels so good to have things (kind of) in order and de-cluttered...
Well, partially de-cluttered...it's pretty much a never ending job for me.
I made lists and folded laundry and scrubbed the kitchen counters.
Some days it's the last thing in the world I wan to do and some days I actually don't mind it.

Above is my Summer Reading List. I was adding to it today.
I am looking forward to getting a lot of reading done this summer. 
Not all of these books, these are just suggestions I have gotten and/or books I know I want to read.
I got most of the suggestions here on this post
If you want to some suggestions yourself, check out the comments.

Well, I think I am about out of coffee and ready to take a walk with my little partner, Charlotte.
Thanks so much for stopping by my little spot here today.
Hope everyone has a great week!

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)


  1. I'm pretty sure bare feet are a hallmark of summer. :) That looks like an extensive reading list - hope you enjoy your reads! I can't believe the school year is over. Crazy how it flies.

  2. oooh!! that bread and jam looks y-u-m-m-y...
    i hope you enjoy your books - 'the red tent' and 'the hours' are two of my absolute favourites!!

  3. We do bare feet in this house too! And in the backyard and riding bikes (yeah, I know. Not safe.) and climbing trees. Summer is for barefeet if you ask me!
    Can't wait to read some book reviews from you!

  4. Between the pictures (love the place mat!), the bare feet and the decluttering you are so totally "in the Spring of things"!

  5. Bare feet RULE. If I didn't have to wear shoes to work I wouldn't :-)

    Oh...you are headed to Iowa! Yippee! Go HAWKS! Ha. Have fun at the graduation party, what part of Iowa are you heading too?

    Love the reading list I will be adding some of those to my bookswim list. Whenever I can find time to read ;-)

    Have a FABULOUSLY barefoot day and thanks again for coffee.

  6. I love your new-to-me blog.
    This is my second virtual coffee session :)
    Thanks for all the inspiration!

  7. I'll be right over.... I LOOOOVE homemade jam. Yum! ;D Thanks for coffee.... we are also doing the school year count down. I can NOT believe it is almost over :D

    PS - I am one of those Mom's.... must always have shoes on. I know, I know. I just can't do the barefoot thing. Mostly because they are always on things with wheels and I just know they would loose a toe! ;D

  8. Barefoot and fancy free here too. Strawberries are peaking here too. Need to get over to the fields to get a batch. I'm in the mood for some strawberry rhubarb pie.

    Can't believe you only have 9 days of school left! We go until mid June around here.

  9. Mmmm... Jam! We've talked about giving that a go here this year. Preserves. I love 'em!

    I love the idea of making a summer reading list. I don't know if I would actually have the time to make a dent in it, though. Might have to give it a try... ;-)

    Thank you for having us over for coffee today! Hope you have a great rest of the week!

  10. Hooray for summer reading lists!!!! I have a whole shelf dedicated to my to-read books and a list of ones to either check out or look for at rummage sales.

    Thanks for the coffee!

  11. i saw jane eyre on your list...that's on mine too :) just finishing pride and prejudice, and then she's up. looking forward to summer with you!

  12. Love the virtual coffee idea. Your pics are just gorgeous.
    This is my first time linking up! :)

  13. http://beingtara52.blogspot.com/2011/04/you-know-youve-read-good-book-when-you.html

    here is a post of mine with more books to read~!
    LOve your posts so MUCH!!!
    off to do a run, but will be back to link up if I get a chance. we homeschool and we have 22 days left!!! ahhh, can't wait for lazy days at the pool reading~!!!

  14. Beautiful pictures, Amy. The toast looks delicious, especially with that homemade jam. Mmm Mmm. Yay for summer vacay! Still can't believe how fast this year is already flying by. Does time ever slow down anymore...?

    Hope your day is going well! :)

  15. I, too, can hardly believe May is HALF over. Why can't January or February go as fast? It will be nice to have the kids home with no set agenda, don't you think? I love that time with my boy.

  16. nothing is better than bare feet. nothing.

    i love reading lists! i've got a post full of a list and links to amazon for people to read about 'em. great stuff, books:)

  17. wow...we don't get out until June 10th. But still can't believe how soon that is coming. i am sooooo overdue for some good reading time. i haven't gotten lost in a book in ages. i need a magnifying glass to read your list;) gettin' old...what can i say!

  18. hey sweet...i cannot believe you have 8 days left!!

    we are on half term in 2 weeks and heading up to the isle of skye- check it out on a mao- you and your kiddos would looooove it!

    we don't officially finish till july 20....hmmmmm summer....

    i'm going to be heading back for that summer reading list....don't you love getting things ready- list wise- for a new season!!!

    hugs to you...virtual vino soon- it's almost summer at yours??!! ;)

    Melissa xxx

  19. nice to get a glimpse into your world today. :) good job on the cleaning out. i have high hopes to get the same done before my kids get out of school next month. also, shoes are highly overrated. and maybe i can say that because it is warm most of the time here. but today it was raining and nate was barefooted as we went to and from picking up his sister from school. only downside is that i need to keep up on the pedicures.

  20. Hi Amy!

    Sorry it's been so long. I've been meaning to comment on so many posts but life has been nuts. Anyway, just wanted to say hi and I'm glad to see you're doing well. Also, to warn you that I was not thrilled with the ending of Edgar Sawtelle so maybe do a little investigating of your own before delving in.


  21. Sounds so lovely! I too am excited to have a break and for school to be out so I can get caught up on things around here.Enjoy your summer~Cheers Kim

  22. I'm really in love with your patchwork placemats!! In. love. :)

  23. wow! that jam looks yummy! :)
    and i love that pic of your reading list :)


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