Not Busy... Just Full

Monday, November 18, 2013

It was a FULL weekend.
I'm trying to take the overused + annoying word BUSY out of of my vocabulary, so it was full... FYI.
Full indeed.
Everyone's busy, right?
Do you feel like that's all you ever hear from people or even hear yourself saying?
"Oh, I'm so busy... Sorry, we've just been so busy..."


Yesterday a friend and I had a little get-away planned just for the day and were finally able to go to the Bloomington, Illinois Third Sunday Market.
It was good, so good.
Our early morning started with Starbucks and Krispy Kreme donuts-- just one each, although we agreed we could have inhaled five each.
Then to the Flea Market.

Lots and lots and good stuff there, and I am still kicking myself that I didn't buy that big B up there.
That booth had the coolest things, I seriously could have taken one of everything that she had!
That's what they call The Mother Load.

I had already told myself that I was really there just to look... no buying right now.
I have this urge to change things around-- living room, dining room, the walls, paint... all of it.
So in the mean time, until I figure out colors and what(if anything!) I'm gonna do, no more buying of anything.

So int he midst of our day away yesterday, the weather turned super windy + scary and it felt like it was about 70* and super weird for November.
We knew there was tornado warnings all over Central Illinois and decided to stop for lunch until we felt like it was safe to make the 45-minute drive home.
We ended up having to wait it out in the restaurant, the power was out and it was so windy we moved away from the windows, people were coming in just to
get off of the roads and all I wanted was to be back home.

As soon as it was clear we headed home and on the way heard that tornadoes had touched down about 30 minutes from where we were,
in Washington, Illinois.
It is so scary and sad to see the damage that was done there as well as many other places in the Midwest yesterday.
My thoughts are with all of those affected by yesterday's storms, what a terrible tragedy for so many people.
I got back home so happy to see my little family and know that we were all safe under one roof together, as so many people were not yesterday.


Hope you all have a great,  great Monday.

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