So Not Ready For Valentine's Day

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

I know I probably am in the minority here, but I am nowhere near ready for the Christmas season.
Not even a little bit.
Halloween was just less than two weeks ago and Thanksgiving is two weeks from tomorrow.
It all feels so rushed,  like we are hurrying past Thanksgiving just to get to Christmas.
Don't get me wrong, I do love Christmas... but I really  LOVE  Thanksgiving.
Just love it.
And I'm only prepared to deal with one holiday at a time.

Our Thanksgiving meal is my favorite and the holiday is just so laid back and relaxed... not the pressure and stress that Christmas
brings for the adults.
And did I mention the meal?
Homemade noodles, rolls, mashed potatoes, stuffing... it's enough starch to last you through the end of the year.
And then there are the pies... Oh, the pies.
We are a pie-eatin', dessert lovin' family.

But what I am really trying to say is, I just want to SLOW DOWN and enjoy this day and week and Season we are in right now... 
not always looking ahead to what is around the corner. 
I mean, I just think it would be a lot easier if everyone just thought exactly like I did, ya know.
Just kidding. But not really. Not kidding.
But seriously?
You know next week you are going to be walking through Hobby Lobby or Michael's or whatever and you are going to see the Valentine stuff out....
Because it's practically Christmas, and practically Winter which = almost Valentine's Day.
But not really at all.
And that's when I get pissed and refuse to go back to Hobby Lobby for a while.
Happens every year.

So I am going to continue enjoying the leaves before they are all gone and all things brown, yellow and orange for just a bit longer.
I'm going to pretend I don't see your Christmas posts or pins or trees up, just yet, because that will send me into a way-too-early panic.
And I like to wait and get nice and panicked up around December 15, not November 15.


Happy, happy Wednesday y'all.


  1. Yes, Yes, 1,000 times YES to this. One holiday at a time. I also LOVE Thanksgiving, so sad when Christmas is talked about all November.
    And, the Fall leaves you have?!?!? pretty! We don't have Fall leaves & trees like that in California!

  2. Did your snow stick the other day!?! I was thinking about you! I remember those days when we were in SD when early flakes would fly and my stomach would turn in knots. But right now, there's so much I MISS about the Midwest, the snow wouldn't bother me (right this very minute...after a week or so? Yes.)

  3. Girl, I am SO with you. Time flies by fast enough, no need to rush things.

  4. Well...I think exactly like you do. Does that help at all? :)


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