All The Way To California....

Monday, February 8, 2010

If you asked me what my very favorite time of day was I would probably say after the kids go to bed at night. I love it when they are just bathed and in their pajamas, and all of us are reading books on our bed though, too. I love the quiet time after they go to bed where I have a little time by myself, time for uninterrupted conversations with Eric and a couple hours to do whatever I want....of course I do. But then I love the time right before they get into bed or maybe right after they get into bed and we talk for a second about what we're doing the next day, what we did today, etc. Last night our "I love You's" went something like this:
Me: I love you
Wyatt: I love you more than anything
Charlotte: I love you to the moon and space
Wyatt: I love you to Pluto and I don't have school tomorrow, do I?
Me: No, and I love you to the moon and stars
Charlotte: I love you more than milk
Wyatt: I love you more than tv
Charlotte: I love you this much-hands above her head
Wyatt: I love you all the way to California and back
*(This one was possibly inspired by this song we have been listening to this week...LOVE this.)

Someday when they are older and maybe even have children of their own they will realize that I love them more than all of these things put together. Every single day, forever.

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