Spread The Love::

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Yesterday was full of hearts and love. We painted hearts and there was lots of red paint, pink paint and way too much glitter. Wyatt worked on his Valentine's for school and yes, I did let him get Spongebob (quite reluctantly). He sat down and spread all of his Valentine's all over the dining room table and got right to work signing his name, folding them over, closing them and adding a sticker. 30 of them, that's hard work. We still need to make treats for the grandparents but that might have to wait until Saturday as Charlotte is sick and we don't want to be passing out germ-filled heart-shaped brownies, that wouldn't be nice. When Wyatt got home from school today he dumped out his bag of Valentine's from his classmates and we read them all and examined the candy. He gave all the Princess ones to Charlotte and she was so excited, I think she actually thinks they were sent home for her and we didn't tell her otherwise. Hope you all are getting your fair share of red, pink, hearts and lots of glitter this week, too.

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