{Virtual Coffee}

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Hey there.
How's it going?
Good morning from my chilly little house this morning,  I am trying to get warmed up with a hot cup of coffee before
I get bundled up to walk the kids to school.
Do you know how happy I am that I do not have to drive my kids to school anymore on days like this?
No scraping the windshields, warming up the car and freezing half the way there... Because, you know,
my little 26 year-old Jeep doesn't warm up real well...to put it nicely.

So--  grab yourself a cup of coffee, or tea...water, diet coke... or whatever it is you're drinking, and join me right here
on the couch this morning. Oh and speaking of water, did you visit my friend Shauna for coffee water last week?
You should.
She just moved her little family all the way to Hawaii and I know she could use a little bit of love + encouragement and maybe just be
reminded how awesome she really is. We can all use a little bit of that, huh?

So, if we were really meeting for coffee this morning....

I'd ask how your weekend was...What did you do? Anything fun?
We didn't have a lot going on, which was nice.
After all the holiday stuff is done and over with it's good to have some slow weekends, ya know.
Saturday evening Charlotte and I went to dinner together while Eric and Wyatt went to Buffalo Wild Wings to watch football and eat dinner--
we were celebrating the awesome report cards the kids brought home on Friday.
Wyatt had never been there before and was so impressed by the 27 tvs and especially the tv in the bathrooms.
It was a lot of fun and nice to have one-on-one time with both of the kids like that.

Sunday we had a big breakfast courtesy of Eric, drank mimosas and listened to records.
It was a super lazy day, we stayed in our pajamas, got things done around the house and then Sunday night watched the Golden Globes.
Did you watch? I love watching the Red Carpet the most, truth be told.

Yesterday I did a little more organizing, because, remember, one of the BIG things I want to work on this year is to get more organized...
to purge, to pare down and find places for all of the things I have never really found the right place for.
This is so liberating and so de-stressing for me, I have to keep reminding myself to keep at it and maybe one day I will have
a more organized life. Just maybe.
Because let's face it, most days I feel like a hot mess that has pretty much nothing together.

Yesterday while working around the house I watched Julie & Julia...again. I almost forgot how much I kinda love that movie.
And let me tell ya, one of my favorite things about being at home when the kids are at school is that I can actually have the tv on and
not worry about what they may see or hear. Imagine that!
We never really watch anything until the kids go to bed, unless it is something they are watching or a
movie we are all watching together.
So I rearranged the mantle, folded laundry and went through piles and piles of papers and magazines while
Julie & Julia played in the background.

Well, I have some Shop work to do now... I am hoping to have a big Shop update on Thursday so you
should check back and see what is new over there later this week.
Hope everyone has a great day...I'll be here trying to stay warm-- we are looking at a low of  15* today and a high of 30*.

Happy Tuesday-- link up your coffee post below + make sure to go visit everyone else, too.


  1. We had the same kind of weekend except my little one had a sleepover Friday night. I love the weekends with nothing scheduled. It was crazy warm here Saturday so we took advantage of that and spent a lot of time outside and took down the Christmas lights, walked to the coffee shop for breakfast and visited with some neighbors. It's freezing again now so we are barricaded in the house until the next thaw!

    I enjoyed coffee with you Amy!


  2. Oh to be able to watch what you want to watch on tv.......sounds almost too good to be true!!



leave me a comment...you know you wanna.