From Where I Stand /// Hello, April.

Monday, April 1, 2013

Wow... It's April 1.
I could start this post off with a "Guess what?! I'm pregnant!" or "Guess who is moving to Italy for a year!??" April Fool's
Day kinda thing... but then I realize that neither one is actually too funny, so I won't.
Crazy that it's here already, which is what I say at the beginning of every month... but I am so HAPPY it is.
I really am.
Spring is almost here... well, officially it is here, but here in Illinois it is finally starting to feel like it, a tiny bit anyway.
There is a lot to look forward to this month and today I am looking at my calendar and to-do lists and getting started.
I am so ready for April. Bring it on.

Here is where I stand today, right now, April 1, 2013....

Starting Couch to 5K today. Day 1 is complete. I did it. Oh, it was not pretty, but I did it.
Anticipating  Warmer days, I can't wait for the first day of 70* weather
Counting Down the days until my Florida vacation with four of my best girlfriends. Eeeek!
Listening to this oldie, I can't get it out of my head today.
Watching Parenthood Season 1. Braverman Family, I love you. 
Avoiding the Easter candy. I am trying hard to eat better...starting today.
Thinking about a new creative adventure....thinking, thinking.
Admiring this new piece of Lazy Girl art in my living room
Feeling optimistic... about everything. Today is a good day. 
Loving The awesome Super Soul Sunday series on Oprah's OWN Network. 
I am so in love with Brene Brown, you have to go watch part 1 and 2 of Oprah's interviews  
chats with her. Watch them online hereSeriously, I can't get enough. 
I was shaking my head in agreement through both of them and was wishing Brene Brown
 could come live with me for about a month, talk to me every day and help me get my #@*^ together.
Cleaning and Organizing this dirty, messy house that has been avoided over this long, 
busy weekend.


That's it for me today.
Are you ready for a brand new month?
What are you looking forward to... or ready to leave behind? 
What are you loving today?
Hope you all have a fantastic monday!

1 comment:

  1. WAY TO GO starting C25K! aaaand, jealous of your FL vaca- have fun!

    hope you have a super productive day.
    blessings! :)


leave me a know you wanna.