Margaritas + Feeling Like A Failure Mom(+ A Give-Away)

Thursday, December 12, 2013

This week is crazy, crazy.
And not the good kind of crazy... know what I mean?

Maybe two weeks before Christmas, with so much other stuff going on, is not the ideal time to start having big evening events for my new job.
But I have two this week, last night and tonight and I have literally been running around like a chicken with my head cut off.
I can't wait until tonight is over.

The other day Charlotte started drawing a book of "Mommy's Favorite Things" and page 1 was a margarita.
She wanted to take the book to school to show her teacher and right now as I am typing this I just remembered that I never checked
her backpack to make sure she didn't.
That margarita is going to be sounding pretty good about 8:00 tonight though....

This morning I am feeling bad about snapping at Charlotte for losing one of her new gloves already, right before she left for school.
And yesterday she wanted me to walk with her class to a play at the University and I couldn't go because I had to work.
I hate saying I can't go.
And I think one day last week was her snack day and I just remembered. Yep.
Got it all together over here, don't I?
Also, my girl has to get a tooth pulled next week and there's more guilt.... my kids have inherited my terrible teeth.
It's so easy to let all of these things overwhelm you, make you feel guilty and less than.

BUT,  I have not failed completely with our Elf this week... it's the little things, folks, and I'm hanging on tight to the little things
I haven't screwed up.
In the midst of the busy craziness our little Elf is something to look forward to every morning.
Even if I forgot last night and Eric hung him off the back door know to make it look as if he was trying to get out of the house(Booooorrrrriing).

One morning we woke up to papers scattered all over the dining room floor.
It looks as though he was trying to draw the perfect self-portrait.
Another morning he got into the basket of CLEAN laundry and scattered socks 
and underwear all over the Christmas tree.

 I can't forget tonight though,  I need a good idea...
and I need to do it before I crawl into bed exhausted tonight...
no more of this hanging off the door handle business.


Look at this post about my little GIVE-AWAY that ends tomorrow.
Leave a comment on this post or any post this week.

A swell little bundle of vintage goodness + one pretty sweet little coffee mug.
50% off everything in My Shop through tomorrow, 12/13/13.

Happy Thursday, y'all.


  1. Hang in there! It always helps to focus on the little things :)

  2. This cold weather we're having too isn't making me too anxious to go out and get things done either...our real tree is up but no lights, no decorations but I did go out and (finally) get some groceries we so desperately needed in the house:) Your Elf is SO cute...wish my kids were still a bit younger to have fun with one...

  3. I laughed so hard when I saw the margarita pic on IG, I loved it! And I live with constant guilt of not doing as much as I should, of missing out because of work, of snapping at my kids too much. But I think we all do our best and I think the fact that you are an incredible mom really shines throught from those elf pics... I mean really? What a great thing you have going!

  4. Hey Amy! Thanks for saying hi to me on my blog a few days ago. Am I a dork for not knowing how to reply to comments on my own blog?! Sheesh! Just wanted to say hi back and I hope you guys have a great Christmas! Looking forward to coffee tuesdays again :)


leave me a know you wanna.