Oh Motherhood, You $*%#!

Friday, September 5, 2014

Lucky for you I bleeped out the rest of my post title.
Or, Sorry... or, You're Welcome.

BUT, This is pretty much how I've felt since I saw the movie Boyhood Tuesday night.
Oh. This movie, you guys. Wow.
I can't stop thinking about it.
Every so often you see a movie that just knocks you right in the gut, one that you just totally "get", that speaks to you... You know?
If you're a mother of a boy/boys, or mother at all... Watch this movie.
If you're not a mother, watch this movie.

It was an amazing thing to watch this boy grow up, literally, over the span of 12 years...
It's just an awesome and bittersweet thing to witness really.
The scene with Patricia Arquette at the end when her son leaves for college, is me.
That's how I feel a lot of the time.
Heartbroken, filled with love, exhausted, emptied, full of joy, thankful and a bit sad...  All of it.
A L L   O F   T H E   F E E L I N G S.
All of the time.

I think it's completely appropriate for moms to feel like we have given every last little thing we have
to give to our kids and to want to move to a remote Island A L O N E far, far away from
Every living person for an entire year. Right Now.
{Or more}
Totally normal.
If you didn't feel like this on occasion, I'd be worried about you.

So it's been that kind of week.... The kind where Motherhood gets the best of you.
Not horrible... But emotional.
And that's just how some of these days and weeks and years are.

This weekend we will be watching my boy play Soccer and hanging out at home, hopefully getting
a few things done I have seriosuly been putting off.
I am so ready for a relaxing weekend.

H a p p y   W e e k e n d !

1 comment:

  1. Oh bless you. I know you wrote this a while ago now (I've fallen way behind on reading blogs again, I'm blaming the wedding) I hope your feeling better about things now though and that your weekend was as chilled out as you'd hoped.

    I've not seen the film but will add it to my list of ones to watch. I'll let you know my thoughts once I've managed to watch it.

    Sending love and hugs from across the pond x x x x


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